Monday, December 22, 2008


okay soooo today was our first full day out and about in the City (of London). After breakfast we all we came out to this bus tour place and went on a two hour tour of the big main sights to see, but only in passing because we never actually got off of the bus to see them more in depth. yeah so after that we got off on the last stop and went to a wax museum (Madam Traussads - or something near to this) yeah it was really cool and we got some really cool pictures on a camera that we can plug straight into to computer (oh the wonders of USB ports!) so expect an update soon (eventually) with those. Alright after the museums we went and finally started getting our Christmas shopping done, which was nice to finally do because it is "hard" *wink* to get stuff here without the others knowing. Then we finished up the day by going to Subway for dinner (haha it was really funny to me - sorry if no one shares my sense of humor, but - that everything was still in feet and inches rather than in the metric system, which is what they use in UK) then we split up to attend our second play, my dad and Deborah went to Wicked and my mom and I to Joseph and the Amazing Technocolo(u)r dream coat. I can't speak for the others - and as they never seem to use this blog I doubt they'll speak for themselves - but I really Loved Joseph, I thought it was one of if not the best play I've seen in a long time (if ever). Now Mom and I are "home" and waiting for the others. Until tomorrow, MikeR PS I'm proud of all who got the "(u)" joke

This is us on the tour bus in front of big Ben and Parliament note the earphones - these were how we heard the prerecorded comentary about the sights(Jane Ricks)

Here we have St. Paul's cathedral (Mike Ricks)

My two favorite wax museum photos. Dan and Tiger Woods, and Deb and Daniel Radcliffe (Mike Ricks)


Anonymous said...


Ricks' Rovings said...

"??????" what?

Breanna said...

I love the Tiger Woods shot! I almost thought that it was real, and would've if I hadn't noted the caption!

Anonymous said...

The text of the London day is all in random symbols and can't be read.


Anonymous said...

Are you using fire fox? If not you may want to try that...