Monday, December 29, 2008

North Israel

Today was another great day! We begun our travels by going to a wildlife reserve. It was really quite beautiful, apparently though it was nearly burned to the ground in a terrorist forest fire about 10 months ago. Then we traveled up to the Golan Heights to get to Capernaum which was really cool. next we continued on to the Sea of Galilee where we read about Peter walking on Water and the huge storm. Then we had lunch at what was apparently the best fish restaurant in Israel. We ended our travels by going to the mount of Beatitudes and spending some time there. It's really interesting actually the whole environment of the tour seems like a10 hour a day seminary class! :) It's really fun actually.


janae said...

hey - I am your cousin Sam's wife - we live in Maryland. I do have a few questions since I knew nothing about your trip until today ... eight stocking? So it's not just the four of you guys? Or did you each get two stockings? And then about Israel, I'm wondering how you travel (walk, bus, taxi, etc.) and if you've eaten anything fun or interesting. Your trip sounds so fascinating - I'm living vicariously through you! :)

Ricks' Rovings said...

Hi! So lets see, yes Santa came twice - strange occurrence that :) anyway We have been busing around everywhere this far, but I don't know what We'll be doing now that our destinations are closer. Also I can't think of any foods that are really atypical, but there have been some interesting Dairy products wrapped in Bread... oh how to describe it, like a mozzarella stick, but not necessarily cheese and not bread crumbs but more like a thin almost croissant... that was a poor description, sorry. Anyway if anyone else has questions ask away. Honestly you'll do better than if you just read what I post that's for sure.

Breanna said...

Haha...what my dad wouldn't give to have a 10 hour seminary class. Great analogy!