Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Less-North Israel

Today was a historic day - as in we saw historic places. ;) So we kicked the day off by going to Nazareth. We went up on a hill (overlooking the valley of Armageddon actually) and read Luke 4 - the second part I believe. Either way from that lofty place we could see a church called the church of jumping on top of another hill. Now the name seems a little cynical at first but actually that impression isn't far from the truth (it has to do with throwing people off of cliffs before stoning them). But that tangent aside that church is probably the place where the Jews tried to stone (or cast him down headlong as it says) Jesus - in his own home town. Then we went to Caeserea and talked about Paul. Finally we went to Joppa (aka Tel Aviv) where we read about Jonah and Peter, both of whom were in Joppa (Jonah 1, Acts 10) and were told to preach the gospel to the gentiles. Then we bussed back to Jerusalem. And after dinner we went to a Christian olive wood carvings store. That was day 4 in the Holy Lands.


Anonymous said...

Grandma asks: Are you liking the food? I loved the little wrap up things that had lamb etc. I also remember lots of cucumbers and tomatoes. I guess they get those year round. We are eating lima beans and ham left from our Christmas ham.

You get a great deal done each day. i hope you are keeping a journal so you can remember it all. Did you get to swim in the Sea of Galilee on Monday?

It has turned sunny in Utah and a little warmer so maybe it won't be such a shock to come home to winter. Today I bought me a 2009 Church Almanac and went to visit my sister, Marilyn and also a neighbor who has moved into an assisted living home.

BYU just beat Tulsa in basketball. I don't suppose they would let Steven go to the game while he is a missionary.

Happy traveling. We love you!
Grandma Beckham

Ricks' Rovings said...

oh yeah the food is really good! And no sadly we did not get to go swim in the sea of Galilee. Though we did get to go on a boat there. Go BYU!!! haha. I'm glad you and Grandpa are well